Thursday, September 22, 2016

HyperDoc Happiness!

Today my 3rd graders did their first mini HyperDoc!  I am so happy about this!  I have been waiting for MONTHS to try a HyperDoc with a group of kids.  School started, and I found out the 16 Chromebooks I thought I was going to have moved to another grade level.  So today, a month into school I took my kids to the computer lab and we experienced our first HyperDoc.  The kids loved it, and I loved it.  I can't wait to do more and show them the amazing lessons I have for them.  We started out simple.  They logged on using a shortened URL and clicked on a Google Form.  In that form they filled out their name, watched 2 videos and answered a question.  Then they did a dot activity.  Success!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think people understand- an Angie Marshall with no classroom tech? Glad that you finally got your first HyperDoc done!
